About 2 years ago i became overweight, you know when you pass that line of normal and overweight compared to your height.
And it has been slowly haunting me ever since, telling myself how fat i look in certain clothing etc.
I wasn't happy with my size at all.
About a month or so ago i told myself enough! stop complaining and do something about it.
Before i have had other people who made me feel beautiful the way i was, i was relying on others to be ok with my body.
I have to be ok with my body and stop relying on others to do that for me and in order to do that i have to loose weight.
My obsessive thoughts about it will stop now because i am doing something about it.
I tried changing my habits with food and drinks but it wasn't working, or maybe not working fast enough.
I'd get on the scale and it would show no change at all or that i had gained weight.
So today (monday) i started a pretty radical diet to get a kickstart to motivate me to keep going.
I have started drinking nutrilett shakes and soups as a very low calorie diet, and i will be doing so for 3 weeks and after that i will slowly start eating solid food again with a concious mind of what i am eating, less fat, less sugar, more protein, fibre and vegetables.
I am taking charge of loving myself, inside and out.
I think i was about 73kg here.. that's where i'd like to be to be happy with myself completely.