It's about appreciating people while they are still around and i can relate to that. You never expect someone to dissapear from your life completely unless they are really old.
You expect them to be around, even if you don't speak anymore.
But you realise that isn't true until you actually loose someone unexpectedly.
Some people might relate this video to old lovers but for me i think about my friend Johannes because he really is gone.. My ex-boyfriends are still alive and therefore aren't truly gone.

I don't know if i believe in heaven but when it comes to Johannes i'd like to believe that he is in a good place and that he can actually hear me if i talk to him. People would prolly think i was crazy if they heard me when i do. Sometimes when i miss him i like to talk to him because it makes me feel better.
People grief in their own ways and that is what i do. 4 years ago when the car accident happened i wasn't talking to Johannes i was cursing at god or whatever it was that decided it was his time to go.
He was too young and i still think so, he had so much left to do in life.
Life isn't always fair and i don't always understand why some things are the way they are, but i've stopped wasting time asking why everytime something tragic happens to me.
It's okay to be sad or angry for a while but eventually you have to let it go and move on, it would be stupid not to live your life because of everything unfair that happens in a lifetime.
Back to topic.
I like this song and it makes me think of Johannes and how i never saw it coming.
What do you think about when you hear it?