Friday, August 3, 2012


Yes long time no writing.. AGAIN!
Im terrible at blogging.. i only do it when i feel like it so therefore sometimes im simply busy having a life instead:P

Been in slovenia with my boyfriend for about 5 weeks and i came home about a week ago so lots have been going on. I love him so much and i can't wait to see him again.

I started blogging now because i simply felt like it. I was bored and was jumping around on youtube and searching things until i eventually land on something that i want to watch or something that like now got me thinking.

I stumbled upon a Britney Spears song i listened to as a kid.
Funny enough a few years ago i would never admit to alot of people if i liked a britney song simply because i cared what people thought of me based on my music taste.. WHO CARES?!
Today i don't care, i can like whatever i want and it doesen't change who i am as a person. I also don't judge other people based on what type of music they like. Sure sometimes i don't understand why they like it but everyone has different tastes so i accept it.

So yes about this song, it got me thinking.
I was thinking what does this song mean to me?
I mean i undertsand that this song is propobly about a relationship between a couple.
But when i started thinking and wondering why i felt connected to it as a kid i suddenly realised why.
It was during the years when i was bullied and this was around the time when i was turning towards not blaming myself for being alone. I was blaming them for treating me bad and that i didn't deserve it.
And now when i listen to this song i realise i have really gotten from point A to B and i am stronger.
Sure nobody likes to be lonely but i am happy with myself. I don't really care what people think of me, if they don't like me it's their problem and if someone doesen't want to be my friend itäs really their loss.

"Hush, just stop
There's nothing you can do or say, baby
I've had enough
I'm not your property as from today, baby
You might think that I won't make it on my own
But now I'm Stronger, than yesterday
Now it's nothing but my way
My loneliness ain't killing me no more"

Through my life when i've been treated bad by people i have always gotten up and gotten stronger everytime.
And today i can be happy on my own, i don't need someone else to make me happy. I make my own happiness.
And i think that's something to admire.. That today i am secure in my own skin and i am not affected by what someone might say about me or have said about me in the past.

I am stronger.

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